Cosmetic Acupuncture: an all-natural way to reduce the signs of aging and improve overall well-being.
What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic acupuncture is rooted in ancient tradition and wisdom. This treatment is a completely natural and chemical-free therapy used to reduce signs of aging while also improving overall well-being.
This method has been seen to not only brighten and smooth complexion, but also benefit acne and rosacea, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and decrease under-eye puffiness and sagging.
The face has a direct connection to our internal organs and mirrors our mental, emotional and physical health. The holistic benefits of this treatment can be seen not only on the outside, but internally as well. Facial rejuvenation at Treehouse Acupuncture not only addresses the face, but takes into account what is happening in the body as a whole for a truly comprehensive approach.
Why do you need it?
The local application of needles on the face stimulates microcirculation leading to improved collagen production. More collagen, a structural protein that provides strength and elasticity to the skin, helps to reduce concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, and even acne scarring.
Facial muscles are “mimetic muscles”, and unlike many other muscles in the body, these facial muscles are directly attached to the skin, making them intricately connected to the skin's appearance and texture. Over time, repetitive facial expressions can lead to the development of dynamic wrinkles, which are lines that appear when specific facial muscles contract.
Muscle tension and repetitive facial expressions contribute to the formation of wrinkles over time, so we have to address this at the root and work WITH these muscles.
Just like it took a while for those wrinkles to form with repeated facial expressions, it’s going to take time to intervene these muscles and relax them repeatedly so your body gets that’s therapeutic input continually instead of repeated tense input.
Applying needles directly to specific facial acupuncture points helps to improve blood circulation, stimulate an immune response, and reduce inflammation. It can also help to release tight musculature in the face, like those found in the jaw.
With the combined effect of encouraging lymphatic drainage and bringing new blood flow to the area, our facial acupuncture protocols aid in the elimination of toxins that may contribute to breakouts.
Combined with traditional body acupuncture, we get to the root of the underlying issues, whether that be anything from weak digestion to hormonal imbalance.
Cosmetic acupuncture definitely requires some commitment.
Generally, the results of the stimulation of collagen with Cosmetic Acupuncture starts showing around 5 – 7 weeks, but of course, it will always depend on your individual problem areas and constitution.